Wednesday, May 26, 2004

portland imc - 2004.05.06 - 'That hooded prisoner is me'

portland imc - 2004.05.06 - 'That hooded prisoner is me'
When the liberator becomes the chastiser, it's time to change the course.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Anti-Terror Database Got Show at White House (

Anti-Terror Database Got Show at White House (
Welcome to the MATRIX

"In the motion picture The Matrix, Morpheus asks and answers: "What is the Matrix? Control." Civil libertarians are afraid that's exactly the problem with the counterterrorism database program that has been dubbed (perhaps unfortunately) "MATRIX," which in this case stands for "Multistate Anti-TeRrorism Information eXchange." The data mining system, funded to the tune 8 million dollars by the federal government, combines government databases with about 20 billion commercial records to greatly enhance the speed and widen the scope of terrorist investigations." from WinXP news letter

Sometimes fact is carier than fiction. I think we are about to enter a new era of this war. To all my friends who desire to live in the U.S....beware of what you wish for.

Guardian Unlimited | The Guardian | $200 family film is festival hit

Guardian Unlimited | The Guardian | $200 family film is festival hit
I have been very inspired by this, I most definitely want to do something like this very soon.

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Top News Article |

Top News Article |
Is it just me or are these fine people more concerned about the President being re-elected than Americans whose lives will be endangered because of what has taken place in that prison in Iraq. Go figure...

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Google to test images in Web-content ad program - May. 13, 2004

Google to test images in Web-content ad program - May. 13, 2004
I wonder if Google is doing the right thing here

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Interesting device

Amouse Teaser - Apple Design & Prototype - The Apple Collection


Welcome to my new web log/journal/chitty-chitty bang bang whatever you wanna call it. Anyway, this is my space to imajin. Here's my chance to scare the world with my opinions on everything from design to pop-culure and politics. From religion and spiritual matters to just my meandering thoughts from day to day. Enjoy the space and check in often!